Treat Azoospermia with Ayurveda Treatment
Azoospermia is a medical condition in which a male doesn’t have any sperm in his semen. It can cause very low fertility or even sterility, but many forms of it can be treated by doctors. About 1% of men in the human population have azoospermia, and it may be the cause of up to 20% of male infertility.
Classification : As you can see, there are three main types of azoospermia. Many of the things on the list can also cause oligospermia in varying degrees instead of azoospermia.
What are the two types of Azoospermia & its causes?
Azoospermia is divided into two categories:
1) Obstructive Azoospermia
2) Non-Obstructive Azoospermia
1) Obstructive Azoospermia : Sperms are made inside the testicles when obstructive azoospermia is present. When there is a blockage or obstruction in the tubes that carry sperm, they can’t get out into the world.
People can be born with obstructive azoospermia, or they can get it later in life. The flow of sperm can also be stopped by a vasectomy, which is a surgery that cuts off the sperm tubes.
a) Congenital conditions : Some men are born without a vas deferens, and other men are born with a cyst in the prostate that blocks the ejaculatory ducts.
b) Infections : In this condition, infections of the testicles, prostate, or reproductive tract like epididymitis, prostatitis, orchitis, and venereal diseases like chlamydia happen. It can cause the ejaculatory duct or small tubules in the epididymis to become blocked.
c) Surgical complications : When surgery is done on the urogenital organs or to fix a hernia, the procedures leave scars that make it hard to move.
2) Non-Obstructive Azoospermia : Non-Obstructive Azoospermia is a condition in which the tubes are open and neither sperm nor eggs are made. This level is so low that the sperm can’t get out of the testicle.
Non-obstructive azoospermia is caused by problems with the reproductive hormones or the testicles, which are in charge of making sperm. It can be inherited or picked up later in life.
a) Genetic causes : When a man doesn’t have any sperm, the most common chromosomal problem is that he has an extra X chromosome (Klinefelter Syndrome). A Y-chromosome that controls male traits can also be deleted, which can lead to azoospermia.
This happens when one or more genes are taken out of the chromosomes. Most genetic problems cause only a small amount of sperm to be made in the testicles.
b) Hypospermatogenesis : This is found by doing a regular test on the sperm, which shows that the testicle is making less sperm than usual.
c) Varicocele : It is caused by swollen veins around the testicle, which makes men unable to have children.
d) Maturation arrest : It can happen early or late in the process of sperm maturation.
e) Testicular cancer : A low number of sperm is called azoospermia. It can be caused by testicular cancer or other tumours in the reproductive system
Diagnosis of Azoospermia, Azoospermia Treatment in Ayurveda
What is the Ayurvedic point of view on Azoospermia?
From an Ayurvedic point of view, Azoospermia is linked to Klaibya, Shanda, and Napunsaka, all of which mean impotence. In Azoospermia, all of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are out of balance.
What are the signs & symptoms of Azoospermia?
The different signs & symptoms associated with Azoospermia patients are mentioned below in detail:
- Presence of little or no semen
- Abnormal puberty
- Pain while passing urine
- Pain in pelvic region
- Swelling, pain, & lump in testicle area
- Difficulty with ejaculation
- Enlarged breasts
- Testicles are smaller than lower
- Abnormal puberty
- Reduced male hair growth
- Low sex drive
- Muscle loss
- Chromosome or hormone abnormality
In Ayurveda, there is a right way to treat Azoospermia that gets to the root of the problem. Ayurvedic medicines can be used to treat all of the signs and symptoms of azoospermia. Khokar Clinic has put together a special kit with ayurvedic medicines in it.